You know the tune: Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. To be sure, we all need our "Cheers" moments when we're greeted by name as we walk through the door to our favorite spot. Just so…
Editor's Note: Dive Center Business ran this article a number of years ago, while the country was in the throes of a recession. Deals abounded, including no-interest financing, value meals, BOGOs, and you name it. At the time, all retail…
To be perfectly honest, it seemed like a big waste of time to send me to a repair course. After all, I thought they kept me plenty busy without assigning me duties back on the workbench, but when my manager…
"Lester" wasn't a star employee. He was a nice enough guy and all, but he'd need a hand for most of the tasks he was assigned. Unfortunately, the boss took it easy on him, and that left the rest of…
I like to shop. It's kind of an academic thing. Some people do museums, others do art galleries, but I do the local Plaza de Overdraft shopping center. After on-again, off-again gigs in the retail world, the whole store vibe…
He called them 'POS' awards. Richard, the boss, would hand out this pat-on-the-back whenever one of his employees displayed "positively outstanding service" with a customer. It could be for anything, really, provided it required an effort above and beyond the…
Not long after finishing college, I attended an outdoor-educator course in Colorado. As it turns out, there was another student from my hometown. He noticed my gear, and mentioned he'd never seen me before -- he worked in the only…
Everyone loves a good deal. You do, I do, even your best bud Bob does, and that's part of why he comes to your shop. Especially after you gave him that sweet deal on a new regulator. No wonder he…
Repeat after me: I can't do it all myself. I know what you're thinking, Superman. But I mean you, too. Now that we've got that settled, we can get down to business -- that is, the business of making your…
Forget "time in a bottle." Instead, think about time in a bucket. Any sturdy bucket will do. You're going to dump a bunch of rocks into it. Since that won't fill it, you'll dump some pebbles in, too. Then, maybe…