This image portrays Finding the Right Person for the Job: A Structured Guide to Hiring by Dive Center Business.
Dive Instruction

Finding the Right Person for the Job: A Structured Guide to Hiring

As the diving season approaches, many dive centers ramp-up their staff to handle the influx of classes taught, retail sales, dive trips and dive travel excursions. Unfortunately, hiring the right people can be a challenging process. In our dive industry…
November 23, 2021 in Classroom Environment, Dive Instruction, Instructors, Online Training, Training Tips

‘Big Top’ Business Basics: Focusing On Training as the Main Attraction

As a dive center owner, you could be forgiven for wondering when you joined the circus. With all the juggling of tasks and responsibilities, all that’s missing is a lion and a unicycle. It’s not just that you have a…
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November 3, 2021 in Continuing Education, Dive Instruction

Tips for Marketing Emergency Management Courses

When you think about your First Aid and CPR classes, chances are you simply think of it as a requirement for earning Rescue or a professional level of training. You probably offer it any time a rescue class is on…
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November 3, 2021 in Management, Management 101, Owner Life, Owner Life

How to Turn a Good Dive Store into a Great Business

People who open their own dive center likely possess an abundance of desirable traits and skills. They're capable individuals who are naturally optimistic, creative, dedicated, highly motivated, action- oriented and are not afraid of hard work and long hours to…
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November 3, 2021 in Marketing, Marketing 101, Merchandizing, Retail Selling, Seasonal

The Season Starts in September: Maximize Your Holiday Sales Season by Starting Today

The holiday shopping season doesn't seem to be the make-or-break time of year for dive retailers that it is for other retailers. We get busy but don't seem to get the mad seasonal rush that other types of stores do.…
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Dive Center Business
CommunicationEmployee DevelopmentEmployee RetentionEmploymentEmployment & StaffingLeadershipManagementManagement 101StaffStaffing

Managing for Success Means Managing for Happy: Why Employee Engagement Matters

Once upon a time I worked at a dive center that had a sign stapled to the pegboard wall above the equipment repair bench that read, “The floggings will continue until morale improves.” Sure, it was meant to be a…

Customer ServiceCustomer Service 101Employee DevelopmentEmployment & StaffingOpinionRetail SellingSellingStaffStaffing

The Key

Back when I ran a retail chain we spent an awful lot of time trying to figure out why store A did well, while store C did not. We knew that the answer held the key. The frustration was that…

Customer ServiceEmployee DevelopmentRetail Selling 101SellingStaff

Retail Salesmanship Skills for Challenging Circumstances

Retail salesmanship is seen different ways by different people. Ask an instructor who just wants to teach. True retail salesmanship is the heart of the business. It involves discovering and answering needs. It often involves solving tricky problems and dealing…

Retail Selling 101Selling

We’re Selling Superpowers, Not Snorkels

In this month’s cover feature, “What’s in Store for Your Customers? Building Business By Helping Your Customers Create a Bucket List,” author Robert Rossier describes how we can boost sales by helping divers create a “wish list” of adventures—a bucket…

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MarketingMarketing 101MerchandizingRetail SellingSeasonal

The Season Starts in September: Maximize Your Holiday Sales Season by Starting Today

The holiday shopping season doesn’t seem to be the make-or-break time of year for dive retailers that it is for other retailers. We get busy but don’t seem to get the mad seasonal rush that other types of stores do….

MarketingMarketing 101Profit CentersProfit TipsRetail Selling 101Selling

Give Your Customers More Holiday Cheer & Boost Your Year-End Cash Flow Too

It’s that time of year again. The next 30-60 days is the hottest time of the year for gift card sales. (The Google Trends chart above is proof!) If you want to cash in on the holiday season, set your gift card…

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